
*ubuntu20.04 [#faf781c1]
 ./create_appli.sh: line 131: python: command not found
 python3 -V
をやると Python 3.8.2 と表示されるので、pythonは入っているのだが、
 Failed to activate module AsterStudy


Linux Mint 18.1 MATEだと、Salome-Meca2018は動いたが、2019は動かない。

*SIGSEGV 'segmentation vilolation' detected. [#n8023c91]

Salome-Meca2017, 2018, 2019のバージョンにも依存する。

他のOSを入れてためそうと、debian10を入れようとしたら、無線LANを認識してくれないのでやめ。Linux Mint 18 MATE は無線LANは認識するのだが、空き領域へのインストールへ進めない。全削除クリーンインストールでも先へ進めないので断念。Ubuntu16.04(2021/4頃まではサポートがある)はすんなりインストールできて、Salome-Meca2018は起動しない。Salome-Meca2017は、特に問題なく動くよう。メッシュを切り直してOutputを編集しても大丈夫そうだ。これで様子を見るか(要は、卒論の遠隔指導用ノートPCを多数 用意しなければならないのだが...)

Salome-Meca2019が問題なく動くマシンで、ulimit -a csh: limit をやった結果
 core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
 data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
 scheduling priority             (-e) 0
 file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
 pending signals                 (-i) 30064
 max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 16384
 max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
 open files                      (-n) 1024
 pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
 POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
 real-time priority              (-r) 0
 stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
 cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
 max user processes              (-u) 30064
 virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
 file locks                      (-x) unlimited


  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/ASTERSTUDY_201903/lib/python3.6/site-packages/asterstudy/gui/parameterpanel/editors.py", line 1669, in updateMeshView
    if is_medfile(filename) or is_reference(filename):

  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/ASTERSTUDY_201903/lib/python3.6/site-packages/asterstudy/common/extfiles.py", line 423, in is_medfile
    return get_extension(file_name) in ('med', 'rmed', 'mmed')

  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/ASTERSTUDY_201903/lib/python3.6/site-packages/asterstudy/common/base_utils.py", line 123, in get_extension
    basename = osp.basename(path)

  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/prerequisites/Python-365/lib/python3.6/posixpath.py", line 146, in basename
    p = os.fspath(p)

*Salome-Meca2018 [#w5bb5fe9]
 Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service ++++++++++libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open radeonsi (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)


*佐々木先生のとこのエラー [#jf1a592e]
 Cannot read output file or empty file
のエラー。output fileが出力されない。

Salome-Meca2019の場合、実行中のHistory Viewの右下に出ている
Outputタブ(ここに Cannot read output file or empty file. が表示されている)を
というわけで、実行後は、OutputとMessagesのタブを時々 切り替えるといいような。

**起動時のエラー [#s8e49b52]
 loading PortManager file: /tmp/.salome_PortManager.cfg
 INFO:PortManager:Problem loading PortManager file:
 Searching for a free port for naming service: 2810 - OK
 Searching Naming Service  + found in 0.1 seconds
 Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service  ++Error in sitecustomize; set
 PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
 ++++++++++++++_IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: Cannot connect to non-local host
 _IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: Cannot connect to non-local host localhost
 +Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
 +Warning: this type (Study,objref) already exists, it will be ignored.
 Warning: this type
 (SALOME_MED/MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface,objref) already exists,
 it will be ignored.
  found in 9.0 seconds
 Start SALOME, elapsed time :   9.5 seconds
 Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
      Warning: module NETGENPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module NETGENPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module HYBRIDPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module HYBRIDPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module HexoticPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module HexoticPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module GHS3DPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module GHS3DPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module BLSURFPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module BLSURFPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module GMSHPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module GMSHPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!

**error.log [#h23a92ae]
 Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
 Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
 Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'

**output.log [#ubeb4984]
 ERROR: The user login on remote machine MUST be given.

**動作中のエラー [#t90eaa94]

 runSalome running on agr194-186.hines.hoge.ac.jp
 loading PortManager file: /tmp/.salome_PortManager.cfg
 INFO:PortManager:Problem loading PortManager file:
 Searching for a free port for naming service: 2810 - OK
 Searching Naming Service  + found in 0.1 seconds
 Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service  ++Error in sitecustomize; set
 PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
 +++++++++++++++++Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
 Warning: this type (Study,objref) already exists, it will be ignored.
 Warning: this type
 (SALOME_MED/MEDCouplingFieldDoubleCorbaInterface,objref) already exists,
 it will be ignored.
 + found in 10.0 seconds
 Start SALOME, elapsed time :  10.6 seconds
 Error in sitecustomize; set PYTHONVERBOSE for traceback:
 AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
      Warning: module NETGENPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module NETGENPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module HYBRIDPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module HYBRIDPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module HexoticPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module HexoticPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module GHS3DPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module GHS3DPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module BLSURFPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module BLSURFPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
      Warning: module GMSHPLUGIN is improperly configured!
      Module GMSHPLUGIN will not be available in GUI mode!
 SalomeApp_Engine_i::Load() isMultiFile = 0
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.614 Opening AsterStudy JSON file...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.620 Use version 'stable' (14.4.0)
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.620 loading case 'RunCase_1' (1/2)...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.620 loading stages...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.620 case 'RunCase_1' loaded
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.621 loading case 'CurrentCase' (2/2)...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.621 loading stages...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:50.767 case 'CurrentCase' loaded
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:51.141 JSON file reloaded
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:52.114 AsterStudy is activating...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:52.115 Creating workspace...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:52.221 Refreshing configuration on localhost...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:53.654 workspace is ready.
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:46:54.410 AsterStudy activated
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:22.208 saving case 1-RunCase_1...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:22.211 saving case 15-RunCase_2...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:22.213 saving case 5-CurrentCase...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.064 Submitting job on localhost...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.129 job submitted
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.134 Getting job output on agr194-186...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.274 exit code: 255
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.352 Getting job output on agr194-186...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.367 exit code: 255
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.372 Getting job output on agr194-186...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.387 exit code: 255
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.391 Getting job output on agr194-186...
 AsterStudy: 金-03-16:47:23.406 exit code: 255
 /bin/cp: '/tmp/asterstudy_workdir_kouzou/kouzou-agr194-186.hines.hoge.ac.
 jp-金-03-164723.050/./bou2.med' を stat できません: そのようなファイルやディ
 /bin/cp: '/tmp/asterstudy_workdir_kouzou/kouzou-agr194-186.hines.hoge.ac.
 jp-金-03-164723.050/./message' を stat できません: そのようなファイルやディ
 /bin/cp: '/tmp/asterstudy_workdir_kouzou/kouzou-agr194-186.hines.hoge.ac.
 jp-金-03-164723.050/./base-stage1' を stat できません: そのようなファイルや

*Ubuntu16.04でSalome-Meca2019が起動しない [#tb87ffe9]
 runSalome running on hp16
 Searching for a free port for naming service: 2811 - OK
 Searching Naming Service  + found in 0.1 seconds 
 SALOME_Session_Server: error while loading shared libraries: libGLX.so.0: cannot  open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/KERNEL_V9_3_0/bin/salome/orbmodule.py", line 172, in waitNSPID
 ProcessLookupError: [Errno 3] No such process

 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/appli_V2019.0.3_universal/bin/salome/runSalome.py", line 633, in useSalome
    clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/appli_V2019.0.3_universal/bin/salome/runSalome.py", line 578, in startSalome
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/KERNEL_V9_3_0/bin/salome/orbmodule.py", line 174, in waitNSPID
    raise RuntimeError("Process %d for %s not found" % (thePID,theName))
 RuntimeError: Process 11528 for /Kernel/Session not found
 Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service  

 --- Error during Salome launch ---


*HP Pavilion dv Ubuntu18.04 [#ma400eee]
 runSalome running on hp20
 Searching for a free port for naming service: 2811 - OK
 Searching Naming Service + found in 0.1 seconds 
 Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service ++SALOME_Session_Server: error while loading shared libraries: libquadmath.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/appli_V2018.0.1_public/bin/salome/runSalome.py", line 633, in useSalome
    clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/appli_V2018.0.1_public/bin/salome/runSalome.py", line 578, in startSalome
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2018.0.1_public/modules/KERNEL_V8_5_0/bin/salome/orbmodule.py", line 174, in waitNSPID
    raise RuntimeError, "Process %d for %s not found" % (thePID,theName)
 RuntimeError: Process 4178 for /Kernel/Session not found

 runSalome running on hp20
 Searching for a free port for naming service: 2812 - OK
 Searching Naming Service  + found in 0.1 seconds 
 Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service  ++++++++++++SALOME_Session_Server: error while loading shared libraries: libquadmath.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/KERNEL_V9_3_0/bin/salome/orbmodule.py", line 172, in waitNSPID
 ProcessLookupError: [Errno 3] No such process

 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/appli_V2019.0.3_universal/bin/salome/runSalome.py", line 633, in useSalome
    clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/appli_V2019.0.3_universal/bin/salome/runSalome.py", line 578, in startSalome
  File "/home/kouzou/salome_meca/V2019.0.3_universal/modules/KERNEL_V9_3_0/bin/salome/orbmodule.py", line 174, in waitNSPID
    raise RuntimeError("Process %d for %s not found" % (thePID,theName))
 RuntimeError: Process 4650 for /Kernel/Session not found

 --- Error during Salome launch ---

*解決例 [#s7eba991]
**Ubuntu18(サーバー版)等で、Salome-Meca2019や2018が起動しない場合がある。 [#o862af5f]

salome_meca/appli_V2019.0.3_universalの中の実行ファイル(salome)を直接 起動した場合のエラーの最後の行は、

 RuntimeError: Process 7208 for /Kernel/Session not found

 sudo apt install libQt5* net-tools libnlopt0

**hdfファイルを読み込むとエラー [#n775e1cf]

Ubuntu18(クライアント版)のsalome-meca 2019にhdfファイルを読み込もうとしたら、


のエラー。「ダウンロード」等、全角文字のディレクトリ内のhdfを読み込もうとすると出るようだ。Salome-Meca 2018だと大丈夫のようだが。

**「メッシュを作成」の際にエラー [#keea8e4c]
 Salome Exception:liblapack.so.3:共有オブジェクトファイルを開けません:


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