PUBLICATION LIST OF RESEARCH IN FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND RESOURCE SCIENCE AKITA UNIVERSITY 2002 CONTENTS 1) Papers published by scholars in Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science Name of Department Number of Papers Department of Earth Science and Technology 28 Department of Materials-process Engineering and Applied Chemistry for Environments 55 Department of Materials Science and Engineering 52 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 5 Department of Mechanical Engineering 26 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 40 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 28 Research Institute of Materials and Resources 22 2) Scientific and Technical Reports of Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University, No.23 History and organization FACULTY OF ENGINEERING and RESOURCE SCIENCE is one of three FACULTIES in AKITA UNIVERSITY. It was originated in 1910 as AKITA MINING COLLEGE, recognized into FACULTY OF MINING of AKITA UNIVERSITY in 1949 through the reformation of Japanese educational system. FACULTY OF MINING chose the name MINING COLLEGE for the appreciation of the tradition of AKITA MINING COLLEGE and encouragement of its uniqueness. MINING COLLEGE with a long history and tradition has been named by "FACULTY OF ENGINEERING and RESOURCE SCIENCE" from April 1,1998, to have a greater development to catch up with the trend of the times and to present a new appearance to the world of 21 century. The new faculty, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING and RESOURCE SCIENCE, consists of two sections "RESOURCE SCIENCE" and "ENGINEERING" and includes seven DEPARTMENTS and the RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS AND RESOURCES, and the MINERAL INDUSTRY MUSEUM. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MINING was founded in 1965, now granting MASTER OF ENGINEERING or MASTER OF RESOURCES SCIENCE degree and DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING or DOCTOR OF RESOURCES SCIENCE degree. Each DEPARTMENT is composed of several DIVISIONS. The division system has been recently adopted in some national universities in Japan for efficient research and original education in special fields of science and engineering. A DIVISION originally includes 2-4 professors, 2-4 associate professors or lecturers, and 1-2 research associates.